Trading Corporation TCB Job Circular 2023

Thank you for your interest in employment with the Trading Corporation TCB Job Circular in Bangladesh. We sure that you will find the better information provided below. Trading Corporation TCB has circulated job circular in recent times.This is your chance to share your story and connect with job field in our country. As a hoping for a job, you’ll represent your skill and qualification. Please note that resumes/cv send only not direct interview or other communication.To get Trading Corporation TCB Job Circular 2023 related all information,you can visit my website that is

After the independence of Bangladesh in 1971 due to backdrop of scarcities of essential commodities and industrial raw materials the Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB) was established under the President’s Order no.68 of 1972. Later on in the eighties, the context of growing ‘open market economy’ the role of state owned business organisation become limited. But considering the necessity of government initiative in ‘open market economy, present government strengthen the role of TCB. Mission is the Maintain buffer stock of some selected essential commodities to stabilise the market price.

Trading Corporation TCB job circular 2023 has been converted to an image file,so that everyone can read easily and download this office of the Trading Corporation TCB. If you want to apply for this job,you should submit your application within 16 July 2023. Trading Corporation TCB job circular 2023 has been given below.

Number of vacancies: 22

Grade: 11,000-26,590/- 9,300-22,490/- 8,250-20,010/-

Closing Date: 16 July 2023

Trading Corporation TCB Job Circular 2023

Source: Bangladesh Pratidin, 15 June 2023

Application Deadline: 16 July 2023

The post Trading Corporation TCB Job Circular 2023 appeared first on Lekhapora BD Jobs.

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