Age of Wonders 4: A Beginner’s Guide

Age of Wonders 4 is a turn-based strategy game with a fantasy setting. It is the fourth installment in the Age of Wonders series, and was released in 2023. The game features a variety of different factions to choose from, each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses. Players must build their empires, explore the world, and conquer their enemies in order to achieve victory.

Age of Wonders 4: Complete Guide

This article will provide a basic overview of Age of Wonders 4, including the different factions, races, units, technologies, magic, diplomacy, and combat. It is intended for players who are new to the game, and will provide them with the information they need to get started.


There are 10 different factions to choose from in Age of Wonders 4, each with its own unique playstyle. The factions are:

  • Dwarves: Dwarves are a race of hardy and industrious people. They are skilled in mining, smithing, and engineering.
  • Elves: Elves are a race of graceful and magical people. They are skilled in archery, magic, and nature.
  • Humans: Humans are a versatile race that can adapt to any situation. They are skilled in all areas of warfare and magic.
  • Orcs: Orcs are a race of fierce and brutal warriors. They are skilled in melee combat and siege warfare.
  • Lizardmen: Lizardmen are a race of reptilian humanoids. They are skilled in ranged combat and magic.
  • Undead: Undead are a race of reanimated corpses. They are skilled in melee combat and magic.
  • Chaos: Chaos is a race of demons and other creatures from the netherworld. They are skilled in melee combat and magic.
  • Nature: Nature is a race of spirits and other creatures from the natural world. They are skilled in ranged combat and magic.
  • Dragons: Dragons are a race of powerful reptilian creatures. They are skilled in all areas of warfare and magic.

Each faction has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. Players must choose a faction that suits their own preferences and strategies.

age of wonders 4 factions


Each faction in Age of Wonders 4 is made up of different races. Each race has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and players must choose races that complement their faction’s playstyle.

The races in Age of Wonders 4 are:

  • Humans: Humans are a versatile race that can adapt to any situation. They are skilled in all areas of warfare and magic.
  • Dwarves: Dwarves are a race of hardy and industrious people. They are skilled in mining, smithing, and engineering.
  • Elves: Elves are a race of graceful and magical people. They are skilled in archery, magic, and nature.
  • Orcs: Orcs are a race of fierce and brutal warriors. They are skilled in melee combat and siege warfare.
  • Lizardmen: Lizardmen are a race of reptilian humanoids. They are skilled in ranged combat and magic.
  • Undead: Undead are a race of reanimated corpses. They are skilled in melee combat and magic.
  • Chaos: Chaos is a race of demons and other creatures from the netherworld. They are skilled in melee combat and magic.
  • Nature: Nature is a race of spirits and other creatures from the natural world. They are skilled in ranged combat and magic.
  • Dragons: Dragons are a race of powerful reptilian creatures. They are skilled in all areas of warfare and magic.

Each race has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. Players must choose races that complement their faction’s playstyle.

age of wonders 4 races


Players can recruit a variety of different units to their armies. Each unit has its own unique abilities and stats, and players must choose units that are effective against their enemies.

The units in Age of Wonders 4 are:

  • Infantry: Infantry units are the basic units of any army. They are skilled in melee combat.
  • Cavalry: Cavalry units are fast and mobile units that are effective against infantry units.
  • Archers: Archer units are ranged units that are effective against other ranged units and flying units.
  • Magicians: Magicians are units that use magic to attack or buff their allies.
  • Siege Engines: Siege Engines are units that can be used to attack enemy cities.

Each unit has its own unique abilities and stats. Players must choose units that are effective against their enemies.


Players can research a variety of different technologies to improve their empires. These technologies can give players access to new units, buildings, and abilities.

The technologies in Age of Wonders 4 are:

  • Economy: Economic technologies improve the production of resources, such as food, gold, and mana.
  • Military: Military technologies improve the strength of your armies, such as their attack, defense, and movement.
  • Magic: Magic technologies improve the power of your spellcasters, such as their range, damage, and healing.
  • Construction: Construction technologies improve the efficiency of your cities, such as their production, growth, and defense.
  • Diplomacy: Diplomacy technologies improve your relations with other factions, such as your trade capacity and your ability to form alliances.

Each technology has its own unique benefits. Players must choose technologies that will improve their empires and help them achieve victory.


Magic is a powerful force in Age of Wonders 4. Players can learn a variety of different spells, which can be used to attack enemies, buff allies, or create terrain effects.

The spells in Age of Wonders 4 are:

  • Attack Spells: Attack spells damage enemies. They can be used to defeat enemy units or to destroy enemy structures.
  • Buff Spells: Buff spells improve the stats of your units. They can be used to make your units stronger, faster, or more durable.
  • Debuff Spells: Debuff spells weaken enemies. They can be used to make enemies weaker, slower, or less accurate.
  • Terrain Spells: Terrain spells create or modify terrain features. They can be used to block enemy units, provide cover for your units, or create chokepoints.

Each spell has its own unique effects. Players must choose spells that will help them achieve victory.


Players can interact with other factions in a variety of ways. They can trade resources, form alliances, or declare war. Diplomacy can be a powerful tool, and players must use it wisely in order to achieve their goals.

The diplomatic options in Age of Wonders 4 are:

  • Trade: Players can trade resources with other factions. This can be a way to acquire resources that you don’t have access to, or to get rid of resources that you don’t need.
  • Alliance: Players can form alliances with other factions. This gives them access to the other faction’s resources and units, and it makes them less likely to attack each other.
  • War: Players can declare war on other factions. This allows them to attack the other faction’s cities and units.

Diplomacy can be a complex and challenging aspect of the game. Players must carefully consider their options and choose the ones that will best serve their interests.

age of wonders 4 diplomacy


Combat is a turn-based affair in Age of Wonders 4. Players must carefully position their units and use their abilities in order to defeat their enemies. Combat can be challenging, but it is also very rewarding.

The combat system in Age of Wonders 4 is based on a system of rock-paper-scissors. Each unit has a strength and a weakness. For example, infantry units are strong against cavalry units, but weak against archers. Players must use this system to their advantage in order to defeat their enemies.

Combat is a complex and challenging aspect of the game. Players must carefully consider their options and choose the ones that will best serve their interests.


Age of Wonders 4 is a complex and challenging game, but it is also very rewarding. With a little practice, players can learn to master the game and achieve victory.

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