Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) Job Circular 2023

Thank you for your interest in employment with Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) Job Circular 2023. We are sure that you will find the better information provided below. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) has been circulated in recent times. This is your chance to share your story and connect with the government. job field in our country. As you are hoping for a job, you’ll represent your skill and qualification. It’s an attractive Job Circular.

The Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) under the Ministry of Agriculture is at the apex of the national agricultural research system (NARS). It has the responsibility to strengthen the national agricultural research capability through planning and integration of resources. It is the umbrella under which the entire Bangladesh agricultural research effort is coordinated. This involved cooperative activities in several ministries of government: Agriculture, Forest and Environment, Fisheries and Livestock, Rural Development, Education, Industries, Commerce, Science and Technology, etc.

Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) also helps us with social economy and conditions. If you want to apply for this job, you should submit your application within a short time. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) job circular 2023 related all information has been found on my website which is Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council’s (BARC) original job circular was converted to an image file that has been given below.

Institute Name Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council
Job Category Govt. Jobs
Education Qualification See the Circular image
Number Of Vacant posts 13
Experience –Years
Age Limit 30-35
Salary 9,300-35,500/-
Job Source Observerbd, 01 June 2023
Application Deadline 30 April 2023
Official Website Address


Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) Job Circular 2023

Source: Bangladesh Pratidin, 28 March 2023

Application Deadline: 30 April 2023

Apply Online:

Policies to guide Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council are made by a governing body which is headed by the Hon’ble Minister for Agricultural as its Chairman, with the Hon’ble Minister for Fisheries and Livestock and Hon’ble Minister for Environment and Forest as the co-chairman including Hon’ble Member of the Parliament, top officials of government ministries and research institutes, outstanding scientists, farmers representative as members. The implementation of the policies adopted by the governing body is the responsibility of the Executive Chairman of BARC and the Member-Directors and Directors of specific disciplines.

BARC is entrusted with the task of preparing the vision document and the national agricultural research plan. These are the guides for planning and conducting research activities according to the national priorities. Based on these the research institutes draw their master plan. BARC has the responsibility to coordinate research and foster inter-institute collaboration, monitor and review the research program of NARS institutes, assist institutes to strengthen research capacities, establish system-wide operational policies and standard management procedures and assure that each institute is optimally governed.

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